Longer Essay (additional words 68)

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Quantity must be 1 or more

If you purchased a 650-word essay review (24 hours) but intended to purchase the 1500 word, please make this additional purchase.

What’s included?

We will:

+ Return reviewed essay/s within the selected timeframe. (Note: the time of delivery is determined based on the exact time that the order is processed by our system and sent to us by email, NOT on the time that you placed the order itself.)
+ Suggest improvements and edits on submitted essay/s
+ We may edit paragraph structure 
+ We may provide input into essay direction / feel
+ We may move content around if appropriate
+ Provide one round of edits per product purchase

We will not:

+ Add additional content
+ Rewrite / ghost write any part of the essay
+ Provide guidance on college admissions and if the essay is ready for submission to intended colleges